Thursday, March 4, 2010

Olympe De Gouges was born in 1745 as a daughter of a washerwoman and a butcher. She married an older man, also older. She became a widow and inherrited funds from her husband to support herself in Paris. She was poorly educated. She tried very hard to become a writer, but because of her lack of education, was not very successful in it.
She was marked traitor by her people becaues of her opposition to death of the king and his family. She had many attempts to organize woman to take a stand, therefore became known as a target of terror. She was a political writer and produced over 30 political pamphlets during the French revolution. She did however support the revolution but spoke out against Robespierre and Marot. She was guillotined in 1793 as a reactionary royalist.
All of Gouges works were profoundly feminist and profoundly revolutionary. Her best known work is the "Right of Woman", claiming for woman equality in both public and private asoecs of life. She wanted woman to be able to vote, take office, public employment, speak in public and political topics, own propert, be in military, hold education, and finally, equal power in both church and family.

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